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Max Planck
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck 23 aprel
1858-ci ildə Almaniyanın Kiel şəhərində ziyalı bir ailədə dünyaya
gəldi. Atası Kiel Universitetində hüquqşunas işləyirdi.
Orta təhsilini Münichdə Max Millian Litseyində aldı. Elmə könül vermiş
bir müəlliminin təsiri ilə
fizikaya marağı daha da artırdı. Bir tərəfdən də
ailəsinin təkidi ilə piano dərsləri alırdı.
Fizikanı öyrənmək üçün Universitetə gedərkən, öz dövrünün böyük fiziki Hermann Helmholtz : “fizikada bundan sonra ediləcək
çox bir
şey qalmayıb,
etmək üçün başqa bir elm sahəsini seçsən daha
yaxşı olar”
demişdi. Ancaq Max öz uşaqlıq xəyallarından
əl çəkmək fikrində
deyildi. Bir tərəfdən də Universitetdə oxuyan zaman Helmholtz və Kirchhof kimi böyük alimlərdən təhsil almağın onun
üçün böyük bir fürsət olduğunu
Münich və Bərlin universitetlərində təhsilini davam etdirən gənc fizik Planck qısa bir müddətdə ətrafındakı insanların diqqətini cəlb etdi və otuz yaşında Berlin Universitetində fizika kürsüsünə çıxır.
1889-cu ildə Berlin Universitetində Kirchhof-un yerini aldı və 1926-cı ilə qədər bu vəzifədə qaldı. 1918-ci
ildə enerjinin kvantlanması ilə bağlı kəşfinə görə
Nobel mükafatına layiq görüldü.
Planckın həyatı faciələrlə dolu
Oğullarından biri Birinci
Dünya Müharibəsində öldürüldü elə həmin illərdə iki qızı uşaq doğan zaman
öz həyatlarını itirdilər. Evi İkinci Dünya Müharibəsi zamanı bombardıman edildi. Oğlu Erwin Hitlerə suiqəst hazırlamaqda günahlandırılaraq 1944-cü ildə edam edildi. Edam etməzdən əvvəl “Naziləri (partiyanın adı belə idi) dəstəkləyərsə oğlunun əfv
ədiləcəyini bildirmişdilər” ancaq o bu təklifi oğlunun ölümü bahasına olsa da belə rədd etdi. Ömrünün son iki ilini
elm adamlarından biri olaraq
İnsan Hüquqlarının Müdafiəçisi kimi keçirdi. Max Planck
oktyabrın 4-ü 1947-ci ildə 89 yaşında vəfat etdi.
in english Max Planck Max Karl
Ernst Ludwig Planck (April 23, 1858 – October 4, 1947) was one of the most important German physicists of the late 19th
and early 20th century; he is considered to be the founder of quantum theory. Childhood and youth Planck came from a
traditional, intellectual family. His paternal great-grandfather and grandfather were both theology professors in Göttingen,
his father was a law professor in Kiel and Munich, and his paternal uncle was a judge. Max Planck was born in Kiel to Johann
Julius Wilhelm Planck and his second wife, Emma Patzig. He was the sixth child in the family, though two of his siblings were
from his father's first marriage. Among his earliest memories was the marching-in of Prussian and Austrian troops into Kiel
during the Danish-Prussian war 1864. In 1867 the family moved to Munich, and Planck was enrolled in Munich's Königliches Maximiliansgymnasium,
where he came under the tutelage of Hermann Müller, a mathematician who took an interest in the youth and taught him astronomy
and mechanics as well as mathematics. It was from Müller that Planck first learned the principle of conservation of energy.
Planck graduated early, at age sixteen.[edit] Education Planck was very gifted when it came to music: he took singing
lessons in addition to playing the piano, organ and cello, and composing songs and operas. However, instead of music he chose
to study physics. The Munich physics professor Philipp von Jolly advised him against going into physics, saying, "in this
field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few holes." Planck replied that he did not
wish to discover new things, only to understand the known fundamentals of the field, and began his studies in 1874 at the
University of Munich. Under Jolly's supervision, Planck performed the only actual experiments of his scientific career (studying
the diffusion of hydrogen through heated platinum), but soon transferred to theoretical physics. In 1877 he went to Berlin
for a year of study with the famous physicists Hermann von Helmholtz and Gustav Kirchhoff and also the mathematician Karl
Weierstrass. He wrote that Helmholtz was never quite prepared, spoke slowly, miscalculated endlessly, and bored his listeners,
while Kirchhoff spoke in carefully prepared lectures, which were, however, dry and monotonous. Despite this he soon became
close friends with Helmholtz. While there he mostly undertook a program of self-study of Clausius's writings, which led him
to choose heat theory as his field. In October 1878 Planck passed his qualifying exams and in February of 1879 defended
his dissertation, Über den zweiten Hauptsatz der mechanischen Wärmetheorie (On the second fundamental theorem of the mechanical
heat theory). He briefly taught mathematics and physics at his former school in Munich. In June 1880 he presented his habilitation
thesis, Gleichgewichtszustände isotroper Körper in verschiedenen Temperaturen (Equilibrium states of isotropic bodies at different
temperatures). After the war, a number of German physicists assembled in Göttingen in order to reestablish the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft.
In July of 1945, Planck agreed to act formally as its president, again. The British occupation authorities insisted on changing
the name, and therefore in February 1948 the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft was established. Despite his deteriorating health, Planck
resumed travelling in order to give public talks. In 1946, he travelled to London on the occasion of the 300th birthday
of Isaac Newton. He was the only German invited. On 1 April 1946, Planck was succeeded as president of the KWG by Otto Hahn.
On 4 October 1947, he died, aged 89, from the consequences of a fall and several strokes.